Sunday, October 31, 2010

Alright family, hang in here with me. I have a ton to tell you and a little time to type, so here we go. As for the typhoon that some of you may have heard about. Basically, I was sent to the safest island in the Philippines and we only experienced rain and some crazy thunder storms, hence the soaked through Jody photos. But as for problems in the area, none here. As for Amanda and and Paul, thanks for the photos, I've already pulled them up over 3 times a piece looking at them again! haha! Paul, your office looks way nice! It may seem like a normal office there, but I haven't seen anything that nice in...well...13 months. You look so professional in your little coat and Dr. Stadler???? YES PLEASE!!!! Amanda, oh my cuteness! I teared up a tiny bit and my heart started to race when I saw that adorable bump on you! forget about just looking fat. YOU LOOK ADORABLE!!a little tired mind you, but adorable! :) MAN....I will be there for the birth of that child...which I can sense is a little boy. That's my final guess. And you will name him...KoyKoy. After our mission president's son. haha! Just kidding.

Dad! I'm so happy that you just finished the Book of Mormon! I'm even happier that you started again! I'm in Mormon right now and at the rate it's going I'll probably be finishing it again in about a week or two. I have found on my mission that I just can't get enough of that book. No one can even begin to understand how important it is and how it will change their lives until they take the time to read it every single day! And you're doing that! Keep it up! Last week I was really craving your biscuits and gravy! We were all talking about Christmas traditions, and so many foods I crave from home.

Samantha Nicole! I cant believe you're on a volleyball team! How fun! Someday I'll have to tell you about my experience trying out for the team. I didn't make it..haha..but I didn't want to actually get to be on the team anyway! haha! I'll explain sometime. How is life? How is school? Where are you now? I'm confused. I thought you were living back with Robyn! Tell me more details here about your life! I love getting your little emails on dear elder. You can just email me too if that's easier for you. As for the probiotics coming, I'm excited and I thank you in advance for your concern. The ones Aunt Vikki sent are helping so much already, those will help even more I'm sure.

I'm starting to see a glimmer of hope. A couple weeks ago I received a blessing for a cold I had and in the blessing the elder paused for a moment and said, "Sister Stadler, it is important that you remember what you teach every day. Your Savior's Atonement applies to you too and your current problems you're suffering with." ..there were others things that were said that I needed to hear. It was good for me to hear it. I was talking to this elder's companion about the health issues when he was talking to me and he asked me if I felt it was getting better, at that point I said no and I don't think it would be anytime soon (this was before the blessing) to which he said, "Sister! Where is your faith in this matter?" It kind of shocked me to hear that. But I needed to. SO....haha...long story short, I've changed my hope and my mindset about things, along with pro-biotics and things are much better and will only continue to get better. SO...before I forget and get all spiritual with things that happened this week, let me tell you of my Christmas wish! :) The time is coming up to send off the package ...and that is why I'm saying this! :) I don't want a package!!! haha! So don't send one! It takes way way way way too long and is way way way way too expensive and you've all spoiled me too much on my mission already. I'll be babysitting for ya'll for forever when I get home. haha! Ok, so I have been thinking, and as the Christmas season approaches (yes I know this is crazy but in the Philippines the season starts in September) I have been wondering about each of your individual testimonies, how you got to the point you're all at now. I was looking at the photos I have of each of you and have felt such a strong longing as I studied faces and thought about memories with each of you. I would love for each of you, including Sammi and Kaitlin, haha...and Shelley's kids of you can get a hold of them...if not..I understand, but I would like each of you to write a little letter about your testimony of the Savior and your personal relationship with Him. Who He truly is to you and how a knowledge of Him has effected your life. Feel free to include other things, but that's what I want for Christmas.

Ok, moving on to this week. It was a wonderful week with Zone conference on Friday. President amazes me! The more than man speaks the more I just love him. He has taught me quiet dignity in a way I could never explain over email. Our whole zone conference was on Christlike attributes and working with ward members and leaders. The spirit was so incredibly strong and at one point I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. I didn't know why either and then a moment later Elder Edioy stood and said, "President would like to invite a few missionaries at this time to share their testimony of Christlike attributes." I knew in a second that I would need to share my testimony. I wasn't even sure how to start with that topic, because it wasn't "share you testimony about Christ"...and yet I stood up after an elder and I was completely overcome with that spirit. The conference was powerful and the whole mission took a turn. As one elder put it, the dark ages are over in the mission, those disobedient missionaries are all home now and the whole countenance of the mission has changed.

There is a light in the missionaries that wasn't there before and the proof of their obedience is manifest in the numbers coming in. I guess before the mission split, even with the whole other island we were averaging 200 baptisms a month. Well, now we have 60 less missionaries and we're only on one island and we're over that for baptisms a month...barely, but we're already over 200. The work is increasing and quickly. Our work in the mission is through reactivation and teaching part member families, which I have gained a testimony of. They said to us in conference that we probably won't be able to see the fruits of our labors while we're in the field, but 10 years down the road, it will make all the difference. We will be able to come back and see stakes formed in areas where we are now if we focus on the rescue and the Centers of Strength in our areas. I'm excited! It's tiring, and it's hard work when you don't see people being baptized, but, ayos lang! Payadon lang kami! :)

This Sunday Ramzel, 2 members of the Angelico family and Irwin were all at church along with 4 less actives we've been working with! It was a wonderful Sunday! The Pacheo family fasted and we fasted for them and we were able to witness the blessing of the branch serving and helping them and their testimonies were greatly strengthened. There is a light that has entered their countenance. It's amazing to watch the Lord's programs work effectively. Ramzel will be baptized this Saturday and Sister Jackson and I will both be here!!! WOOHOOO!!! Transfer announcements said, we're staying together another transfer! :)

Life is so good! I love my mission and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. I think of each of you at night when I'm lying in bed and I miss you all, but there is no homesickness whatsoever. I love this work and I can't wait to see what this transfer has in store for us here in La Carlota. Mara, the Angelico's 14 year old daughter, told us in our last teaching that she has no doubts now. She knows the Book of Mormon is true! I love it! My study this week has been about Mormon and Abraham and I am amazed with the strength of the youth. My eyes were opened to a pattern of how the Lord uses young worthy men to build His kingdom: Mormon, Abraham, Nephi, Joseph Smith, Samuel, Alma, Captain Moroni! It's remarkable! It is true that the Lord uses small and simple means to bring to pass mighty miracles! I see it happen often in the mission. The church is true! I could never deny it. I'm eating up every moment I have here in the field! There are only 3 transfers left! 18 weeks left in the mission after this Friday and I just can't believe it. I love you all, and until next week, God Speed!
All my love,
Sister Stadler

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