Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yeah.....pretty much what this all comes down to is the fact that I love and adore each of you. My goodness, family and dear friends, life is good. A wee bit crazy at times, but so good. My companion is remarkable and I adore her with ...pardon the cliche, ever fiber of my being. She is from a little place called Battle Ground Washington, it pretty much borders Oregon. The only thing I've found wrong with her so far is she has a problem with texture....and when it comes to food here, that can be interesting!!!! Ha! Just kidding, she's amazing. Sometimes it freaks me out a little bit how similar companions can be in the mission, then President will throw in a polar opposite too just to mix things up. But, she is truly remarkable and has an astounding knowledge of the gospel, well, of everything actually. I'm pretty sure in 3 weeks or so she will be teaching me.

Ok, mom, you asked about my language, I meant to write about that last week actually. Let me relate an experience that helped me to gauge where my language was. Our first Sunday in the branch we were told about 20 minutes before Sacrament meeting that we would indeed be the speakers, welcome to the Philippines. So as we went to prepare I had a flashback to my very first Sunday in the field where they asked me to do the same thing. I was terrified and I felt stupid that I couldn't say anything in their language except what was on my flashcard I had prepared in my language study the night before. Well, this particular Sunday I stood up to speak and I realized while speaking that I wasn't thinking in English first and then translating into Hiligaynon, but instead I was thinking in Hiligaynon. For that moment I felt the spirit strong and I realized how unappreciative I have been at times, always wanting to know more in the language and wondering if I would ever have an experience that you hear with missionaries just speaking beautifully in the language and later not remembering a single thing they taught, but knowing it was the gift of tongues. After being in the mission I realized, this is an experience that rarely ever happens. And, instead, with our steady diligence and patience with ourselves...I hate that word...we indeed do receive the gift and interpretation of tongues. is hard work! Sometimes I think we forget to take a step back and to witness the beauty of the every day little miracles we experience. I was so grateful to be able to do this in that Sunday school meeting. I definitely am not fluent, but I know the lessons, and I can truly relate and understand our investigators. Sometimes I only understand 70% of their sentences, haha...but I understand it, and I know many times it has nothing to do with my own knowledge of the language. So, mom, how's the language coming? It's here. :)

As for our less actives, we had a whole family come, but the other man who came before didn't show up again, even though he committed to be there. We'll be visiting him today. BUT, our two investigators here came to church. And we just had another one commit to baptism. This boy was amazing. We're witnessing the power of teaching part member families. It's remarkable. The elders left a name of a boy, Ramzel, who was shy and promised they could teach him, but they hadn't taught him yet. Months and months ago, missionaries taught him the first lesson, but he was never baptized. Well, we were teaching one of his relatives in their home and I saw him and his little friend trying to sneak out the front yard, so...I ran outside and grabbed them and had them come in so we could teach them! ha! So, he was pretty quiet during the teaching and we just reviewed half of the first lesson. He committed to come to church and we came to walk with him to ensure he went. So we started walking on Sunday and lo and behold, a tender mercy of the Lord, we left a little late from his house and there is no way we would have made it on time. Well, here comes a little member in the ward with a trik and he picks us up and offers and ride, free of charge. Amazing! So we get there, the young men immediately put their arm around him and take him to class! Fellowshipping was amazing! He loved it! And, that night we went to teach him again. We finished the 1st full lesson about the Restoration and he committed to praying about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. We had wrapped up the lesson and as I was putting away my Book of Mormon I had the strongest impression that I have maybe felt my whole mission to extend the commitment for baptism. So I pulled out my Book of Mormon again and asked if I could share just one more scripture with Him, and he smiled and said yes. So we looked up the trusty 2 Nephi 31:10 where Christ himself commands us to Follow Him. So I asked him after he read the verse what he was feeling, and he stopped for a moment and said, "The Holy Spirit"! WHAT?!!!!! Amazing!! this boy is 12 years old and so mature beyond his years. He has this glow you can see through his eyes, you can't describe it. So I extended baptism and he committed to be baptized on October 23rd with Irwin! The spirit was so strong! He started to tear up and his mom was crying as well. I love the gospel!

I love the opportunity I have daily to feel the love of the Savior for these amazing people! I love you! The Church is true! Share it! With never know who's looking for the truth, and sometimes you find the most unlikely people who the Lord has already prepared! It's beautiful really. Keep the emails coming, I love it! Until next week, God Speed!
All my love,
Sister Stadler

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