Sunday, October 24, 2010

This week was been pretty intense. There is suppose to be a typhoon hitting the Philippines this week, but our island rarely has any effects, just rain like crazy because we're pretty guarded from the other islands. But it has been raining like crazy. On multiple occasions I have come home completely drenched, soaked through. Good thing my Jody Dresses aren't sheer. ha! That's even with my umbrella. The rain usually comes in at an angle. Anyway, I love rain, but it's not good for our investigators either.

As for updates with investigators, The 2 year man is named Brother Amador, mom. He won't even listen to us anymore. But, we know he felt something when we taught, it now just depends on him. This guy is amazing...he pays tithing...something is holding him back though. BUT...we can't do much if he refuses to let us speak with him.'s just not his time. As for Rona, she got really sick and hasn't come back yet, but her brother in law said she's reading and praying and should be home today. SO...hopefully we'll go teach her tomorrow. The Angelico family is progressing, slowly, but they are progressing. We taught them yesterday and the mom and their 14 year old daughter, Mara, explained their experience with praying and reading and we were able to help them realize that they have received their answer from the Holy Ghost. I love that experience! It's always amazing to me to hear how the Holy Ghost speaks personally to each of us. Ramzel is amazing! He'll be baptized on the 30th. His mom is so proud of him, it's adorable. Irwin is a kick in the pants....haha! He's about as stubborn as a man can get, but he's a good man. We're starting back at square on with him and helping him build his testimony about the scriptures.

This week we were able to teach a less active family, the Pacheo family. We've taught them before, but they are Cebuano and it's difficult sometimes. I feel like whenever we go teach we haven't really been able to help them much..I always leave dissatisfied. Well, this week, it was different. I called them out on it. haha! We were in the middle of the teaching and it just didn't feel like it was going anywhere so I said, "Ok, I feel like something is wrong in your family. We want to help. What is wrong?" And brother Pacheo started to tear up ..he has a really bad eye problem where his eyes are both like lazy eyes...he can't focus on things, making it hard to find work. He works at their "home" (a little one room they rent) fixing people's electronics. Well, I guess in August, their little girl, who is no more than 2 years old, got really sick and was in the hospital. She had an incredibly high fever and because of the effects of the fever she is now on medication to keep her from having problems with her sight. Well, the medicine is incredibly expensive, and he and his wife are sometimes going 3-4 days a week without any food because they can either eat, or they can pay for medicine for their child. This has been causing stress for their marriage, and they have been having problems lately. My heart broke sitting there listening to this incredibly humble man pour his heart out. You could tell he wanted to do everything he could to provide for his family, and he was working as hard as he could. So I felt very strongly that I should teach fasting. So as we taught that, the whole feeling changed. They will be fasting this week, which he joked happens often! ha...these people!!!! I love these people! They are just happy...they are so grateful for everything. So my companion and I will be fasting this week for them as well. I know there is power in fasting. I know if they follow the commandments God will provide for them.

Irwin tonight was going off about having little money and being poor and he started making some smart comments and I just interrupted him and said, "Brother, do you have food?" He said yes...and then I said, "Well then you're very blessed." and I explained about the Pacheo family. He got quiet pretty fast. All of you at home, you may never understand, I don't expect you to fully understand, until you'll seen something like this with you own eyes, until you've sat with these people and felt the love that God has for them....I will never be the same, and for that I am grateful. I have learned that honestly, THINGS mean nothing. Relationships mean everything. Time. Time is priceless. I love this gospel. I had someone point out that starting next week I'll only have 3 transfers left. So mom, it's not just people at home asking about me! haha! I love this gospel! I love you all! I'm so glad things are going well for you. Count your blessings. Pray for the People of the Philippines. I thank you for your prayers. I feel them daily. I love you all and until next week, God speed! :)

All my love,
Sister Stadler

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