Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dearest family, I apologize for this late email. We had Mission Sister's Conference this Monday and Tuesday and then President had those of us that were from farther areas stay Tuesday night in the mission home SO....buot silingon...we just barely got back to our area this morning and I am dead beat tired. The conference was absolutely amazing and a spiritual feast, a true answer to many of our prayers. Let me say one thing, I adore our mission president and his beautiful wife. I fully intend to stay in touch with those amazing people for the remainder of my life and on through the eternities. President has such a vision for the mission and has such a strong testimony of obedience and diligence. He is a remarkable example to me. I remember being a little concerned at the beginning of my mission of never becoming close to President Tobias. Well, that was a ridiculous fear. I suppose some individuals never feel that closeness, but that is of their own choosing.

Last night, as the sisters were eating he was playing the piano and I was just sitting on the couch listening. He looked over at me and chuckled after which I requested that he play his saxophone....which he said, "No......well, okay I will for you." haha! So he pulled out his saxophone and started playing a little bit, but he was really full from dinner and he has to take it easy with health stuff anyway, so THEN...he pulls out his guitar and starts playing Blue Moon. MY GOODNESS...that man has so many talents. So I'm sitting there in the mission home listening to oldies and watching the lights on the Christmas tree twinkle and I was thinking about each and every one of you. Funny how the Mission Home feels like home to me now.

Our week went really well. I just want to point out that on the 27th of this month will be my 1 year mark in the Philippines. That is insanity my dear loved ones. That makes it a 14 month mark in the mission itself. Time is flying and life is so good. This week I was speaking to a man who looked somewhat different from most of the people here, Asian, though, none the less. Well he kept answering me and I couldn't understand what he was saying. I kept speaking in Ilonggo to him and finally my companion said, "Sister! he's Chinese...he doesn't know Ilonggo..He's been speaking to you in English this whole time." hahahahahahahahaha! I was dying. K, so then I tried to talk to him in English and it's like someone flipped the dumb switch or something. I couldn't formulate a quality sentence to save my life. So what ended up happening was the man's wife, who is native, would translate what I was saying into English to him! hahahaha! My English is not that bad! We speak in the house all the time. But something switches in my mind when I walk outside that door and it's really weird. Anyway. It was funny.

This week we were able to extend a baptismal date to Ricky Yanson and he answered by saying.."December 11th?...what time do I need to be there?" AH!!!! Yes please! This man was definitely prepared and he continues to progress.

As for Erwin. We had a remarkable lesson with him. We were teaching and I felt like everything he said was just spewing answers he knew was right but wasn't really believing it and as I was teaching I had the impression to just stop talking and ask him what he was thinking about. So I did. It definitely got his attention and he started crying. (This man is no a crier. He is so stubborn and yet I have the hugest about of love for him and his family. He has started reading every day in the Book of Mormon and his understanding of it is beautiful. BUT...he hadn't applied it! He hadn't yet asked if the Book of Mormon was true through Prayer. He's in the process of doing that right now. Pray for Erwin.) Well as he looked up at me and with tears in his eyes he said, "We don't have money. We have bills and food to buy and we don't have any money for it. I don't know what else I can do." My heart immediately felt the weight of his burden. I would have given anything at that time to take his burden and put it on my shoulders. As I taught about the Atonement and the power of prayer and acting in faith, the lesson became a beautiful opportunity to allow him to feel his Heavenly Father's love and concern for him through the Spirit. His whole family was in tears was I..that was a given. I was able to promise as a representative of Jesus Christ that if he were to continue to follow God's commandments to the best of his ability that God would provide for his family. As I gave that powerful promise the spirit was working so strong within me, it was a very sacred experience for me. As we left that night there was a peace in the home that wasn't there when we walked in.

I hugged Sister Joguilon and she held me for quite awhile. She is Erwin's wife and our relief society president. She is an elect lady. I look up to her so much. I left that night thinking, "I have 2 more transfers to make a difference in these people's lives. I've got to wear myself out and make the most of every second here." GOOD GRIEF I LOVE MY MISSION!!!!!

I'm gonna be a such a weirdo when I get home! hahaha! I thought I was still pretty normal. When we were in the mission home there was a movie there he let us watch, it was cute. It had a bit of romance in it, HAHAHAHAHA! You would die laughing if you had watched it with us. You would all be like..."this isn't romance...there is a relationship in the movie." haha! Anyway....there was a scene where a guy walks into a party, it's like a 29 second scene....I covered my eyes. Not even noticing what I was doing. HAHA! Sister Freeman started laughing so hard! Someone in the film said some slang word that every 12 year old says at home, but I've perfected my language and I don't even say little slang words anymore because they aren't feminine. It's funny how blinded we become to things. Well I heard the word and I said, "WOAH! Why are we watching this!????????" The movie was good. IT was a Christmas movie actually, it just had an interesting intro. point??? I'm gonna be a total weirdo. And I'll probably start going off in Ilonggo on you get excited! I love you all to death.

In the tradition of the Thanksgiving season let me say I am eternally grateful to be in such an amazing family. Your support of me being on a mission is priceless and I will never forget it. I see missionaries all the time who have no support and my heart hurts for them, and simultaneously I feel such an overwhelming gratitude for each of you. I am thankful for toilet tissue and hot water. I am thankful for dish soap and washing bins and clean clothes. I am thankful for Jody dresses and hammocks and nasty missionary shoes that are worn out and have walked countless miles in order to share the word of God. I am, above all else, grateful for the Atoning sacrifice of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Him, all would be lost. My imperfections are many, and they are being made apparent daily, but through the Atonement, through Him, I can exercise my agency to repent and become clean, again, through His redeeming blood. He lives! For this I am grateful and will forever be grateful. He lives! Do we realize what this means? I will spend the remainder of my days in this mortal existence proclaiming His love and His gospel. Time is flying by, there are so many people who still need to hear the gospel. I love you all! Look for opportunities to teach! You're all amazing! Until next week, GOD SPEED!!!!!!

All my love,
Sister Stadler

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