Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Well hello family!
As some of your know, I was put into quarantine for Swine flu this last week and what a week it was! haha! I started having symptoms on Monday night. I went into the clinic on Tuesday and they sent me back to my room and said to gargle with salt water and sleep. So I did. That night I felt amazing! So we went to the devotional and then to class and life was good. Then Wednesday we welcomed knew missionaries, we were host missionaries (yes Mom, the ones we saw waving us into the MTC and helping with bags.) CRAZY Huh? I swear I was just coming into the MTC and now I'm a host..insanity. Anyway, so I welcomed 2 sisters and took them through the whole tour of the MTC and then BAM! It hit me and I didn't look so good either apparently. I thought I was just making up symptoms because everyone was talking about them. So I was trying to just tough it out and make it through class so I could sleep. But...Brother Leslie came over and said, "Have you been to the clinic?" haha! I obviously looked pretty bad. So I went, and they test me for the flu. I guess swine flu tests are like $300 and take 3-4 days to process and you treat it exactly the same. SO....the nurse comes back and says, "Well you hit the lotto! You have won a 7 day all expense paid trip to Isolation!!!" Funny thing is..before she took the test she said, "You probably just need to sleep. But, we'll test you just to make sure." Then they do this swabbing thing in your nose that is perhaps the most evasive procedure! haha! I thought she surely found my brain. So I can hear her talking to the other nurses where my strip is processing and I hear them say.. "WOOO!! Ladies...take a look at this one!" HAHAHA! So I knew then I was doomed. Anyway, quarantine wasn't that bad. It was good to be able to sleep. They almost sent me to the hospital because of my lungs...but I'm good to go now! Prayer works! Mom, I know you were praying hard for me. There was one night when I was feeling pretty down in there and I was thinking about how far behind I was getting on the language and I was lonely..anyway, I started to say a prayer and then I had this image of you kneeling in the family room pleading with our Heavenly Father for me. I don't think I have ever had an image come so vividly. I knew it was going to be ok and I slept better that night than I have in a long time.
So..I'm still a little tired, but life is once again....so good! I could see the most beautiful tree from my window there. The leaves were at their best..tender mercy.
So mom, you asked what the new primary program song is. It is called "I know that my Savior loves me". The words are so tender and sweet. They have the sister missionaries take it with them into the field because many of us will be working in the primaries in the wards where we serve I guess. Definitely listen to it. Last night there was a beautiful musical number with a cello/piano/singer. It was an arrangement of "I feel my Savior's Love". I couldn't help but feel that the chorus's words are truer now in my life than ever before. "He knows I will follow Him, Give all my life to Him. I feel my Savior's love, the Love He FREELY gives me". How beautiful and true! Our Savior is so willing to freely give of His love, but He won't force His love on us. We must be willing to turn to Him, so humble ourselves enough to say, "Look, I can't do this alone. I know I can't. And I know it won't be easy! If it were easy I wouldn't be able to come to know Thee better, or of Thy sacrifice. But, I need Thee. Please help me and comfort me." I am learning more and more about the Atonement every day here. The depth of that act fascinates me. I'm sure I am just touching the tip of the iceberg, but it has made such a difference in my life already. I'm sure as soon as I enter the field I will be even more in awe when I see those investigators that I love so much using it in their lives.
So now I get to ask questions! Woohoo! I have lots of time this week since I haven't done much in class and don't have a ton to share! For all of you that have sent letters, good grief, heaven bless you!! I love you all so much and I do a little happy dance whenever I get a letter. The world will never know the worth of a letter to a missionary!! HAHA! So Holly and Paul, how is the pregnancy? How is this trimester going? Are you about the burst will the pressure of life right now? Amanda and Joshua, thanks for all you do! Sean, did you get my last letter? How is work going? Is it still pretty slow in Havasu? I keep hearing people say, "the recession is over!" somehow I find that hard to believe...since people still aren't spending money. Robyn, hey lady! I'm still waiting to hear from you! How is the saving money going? How is Sammi? Is she coming for Thanksgiving? Christmas? They are already putting lights in the trees here. They don't mess around! haha! Shelley, I don't even know if you read this, but I love you to death. Give the kids hugs for me and write me sometime. If I had your address I would have already been all over that.
Amanda, you asked me about package stuff, so here ya go. Mom is sending me vitamins I think to try to help me get my energy back. It was super weird talking to them on the phone. I felt like I was doing something against the rules! haha! It was sooooo good to hear their voices though! I lost it..people brought me tissues. ha! Also...To my siblings: When I go to the airport, on the 24th of this month.. hopefully...if nothing keeps us here...I get to call family!!! So I'll let you know better when my flight is, but usually it is around 4:30 that we leave Provo. So...ya'll better have your phones on you so I can talk to you for at least a few minutes! I'm pretty excited about that. So a girl that is in our mission emailed me and told me a little about her experiences. I told you a bit about her last time, the one who speaks ASL now there! Well get this, her mom helps with choir, I went yesterday, and she said Sister Carr and her companion had 12 investigators come to church yesterday! 12!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting! My heart skips a beat to think about leaving here in 15 days. Our language skills are...blah....but we are trying! We have enough to teach with the spirit and to teach truth and testify of truth. Sister Hawkes, a teacher here said that we need to stop worrying. We know way more than she knew when they sent her out and she said as long as you only speak it when you get there it will be fine! So...with faith in every footstep, I wait out these last 15 days. I am starting to feel like we aren't ever actually leaving here, they are only teasing us with that info! haha! But I know soon enough the day will come when I'm flying there. Then I'm sure I will feel like I'm never going home and then BOOM..I'll get my flight plans. What a bittersweet day that will be.
Well, family and friends, I love you all so much. I pray for you all the time. I know I put that in each letter, but it is because it is true! You aren't alone. This week, you should all read Holland's talk, "None were with him" from April conference. I was reminded of our Savior's love for us while reading it. We have no idea what He felt, why he took that upon Him, but how blessed we are that He did. The church is true! It won't ever be false! We better decide who's side we are on now. (its a pretty easy decision!) :) I love you I love you I love you!!! I'll talk to you in a couple weeks. Until next time, God Speed!
All my love,
Sister Stadler (aka peanut, booger, jimmy-dean, astads)

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