Sunday, August 29, 2010

My loveliest and sweetest and happiest little family in the whole wide world. Oh how I love thee! Life is so good...let's all just take a moment and think of at least 8 blessings that we have in our lives, I'll go first. (in no particular order)
1. The gospel
2. toothpaste
3. emails from family
4. swedish fish
5. clean clothes
6. chapstick
7. my amazingly hard working and diligent trainee, Sister Polido
8. LAST AND DEFINITELY NOT LEAST.....A wedding and baptismal date set for Emalyn and her boyfriend Recarido on the 18th of September!!!!!!!
Yes, it finally happened! He wasn't progressing and was hiding from us and one day we were getting ready to teach Emalyn and I saw him in the background grabbing his bike. He started wheeling it behind us ..sneaking out and I stopped the teaching and went to ask him if he had just 15 minutes when we could teach him for a second. This man wouldn't even look me in the eye when I was teaching...he's really shy and unsure of himself. Anyway, after much persuasion, he finally stayed and sat. We taught the whole family together, with their 2 little daughters that are way too young to actually follow the lesson, but they were all there! So we had planned to teach him about the holy ghost and receiving answers from it. BUT...I felt we needed to address why marriage is so important in the eyes of God, and right when I started to doubt myself my companion leans over to me and says, "Sister, I think we need to teach marriage." HALLELUJAH! So we taught marriage and then tied in the holy ghost. The spirit was so strong. He committed to come to church and then I asked if when he knew the church was true if he could be baptized and he said yes. They also set a date to go get their marriage license and to be married the first Saturday in September. Amazing! 2 days later we came to teach again and he said he felt good as he was praying about Joseph Smith, but he wanted to keep praying about it and see if the same feeling came again, just to be sure. We encouraged him to do so, and then I felt I should invite him to be baptized on a specific date, so I followed the prompting and...HE COMITTTED! He will be baptized on the 18th of September with his bride to be! What a beautiful little family! I have full faith they will make it to the temple and continue to progress after. Keep him in your prayers please. He usually smokes 2 packs a day and drinks on weekends, but he's given it up ...all at once and he's been holding strong so far. Also, Reneboy, wasn't able to go to church on Sunday because he didn't have money to go...which he could have would have taken him over an hour...but he could we're pushing his date back another week. He hasn't, however, had a cigarette or touched alcohol or coffee ever since we taught him! I'm amazed what is possible when people have a true desire to change and when the Lord helps them through their faith. I love this gospel!
Well, family, I adore you. I witness so many little tender mercies daily. The gospel is so true! I could never deny it. This week I had an experience where I was praying about the Book of Mormon again, I know it's true, but occasionally I pray to have the spirit reaffirm in my heart that is is true. I don't know if I've ever had a prayer answered so quickly in my entire life. The spirit has never been that strong during our morning studies. Then Sister Ball came in from her study and had me read something and it was another answer to part of my prayer. I love that our Heavenly Father is completely aware of our needs and desires at all times and is so willing to grant us our righteous desires, in His timing. Mom, your missionary experience was awesome!!!! That's funny your forgot the pass along card, but the point is, your testified! You shared a portion of your knowledge. Keep it up! Next time you'll be sure to have the card with you! :) I love you all, you're in my prayers. When I pray for you I have an overwhelming peace that comes, I know the Lord is helping you and providing for your needs. Don't be blind to His bounteous blessings He always gives. Too often we think it's our own doing...when its definitely not. haha! Church is true. Those of you who haven't picked up a Book of Mormon in over a month, pick it up already! Stop chickening out and just do what you know is right already! Go to church! Find Happiness through our Savior, Jesus Christ. He's suffered too much and given all for us. I love you! Until next week,

All my love,
Sister Stadler

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