Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello hello! I can't believe it's monday again! I swear I was just emailing you all! And yet I have so much I want to add! First of all, mom, before you freak out..haha..those 3 emails were britt's, ariels, and tara's. I knew they had been wanting to see pictures. :) No worries! I'm not emailing random people. Family lang! Alright, funny first experience this week....So I'm OYMing a guy last night and I totally introduced myself as ASHLEY!!!! WHAT???? Not Sister Stadler!? I have no idea where that came from?! I haven't referred to myself as Ashley for over 6 1/2 months now! Random! anyway..he probably thought I was crazy because he repeated, "oh, Ashley! nice to meet you" to which I responded.. "No! not Ashley brother...Sister Stadler. Sorry!" haha! IT was just really random and hilarious. You should have seen Sister Flores's face. It was a fun way to end the night. turns out he was a brother of a man who is helping us find an apartment right now! woohooo! Devout Catholic's a catholic. Nice man though. OH! before I forget, Robyn and Shelley!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! I miss you both so much! Have fun this year, but most of all, remember what is most important in life! Robyn, your email was so nice to get. I'm so excited to see your progress, and I'm sure you're way excited too. Also, Brittany, congrats on passing the boards!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! (imagine me dancing around for you...) Man...I won't get done with school until I'm like 50. Oh well! :) Oh, one more funny experience. Yesterday we went to a Purok here (a little area in the city). As we were entering the Purok there was a group of children and a few random adults standing usual...and we always high five or shake hands with the kids. Well there was one little boy bawling his head off. Of course I wanted to just go over and pick him up and comfort him, however ...the missionary hand book specifically forbids that. SO..I didn't. But no one was paying attention to this child. So Sister Flores walks over to one of our Less Actives and starts talking to her while I'm still talking to the kids. THEN the little crying boy walks right up to me and hugs my legs (he's probably about 1 1/2). So what am I suppose to do? Not pick him up?? AH! So I pick him up and as soon as I do he stops crying immediately and just snuggles into me. Well now there is a group of people watching and it's a little awkward because I'm sure they are wondering why this little child ran away from his family and came right up to the white girl to be held and immediately took to her. So after about 45 seconds I set him back down because he's totally calm now. HE STARTS CRYING AGAIN!! And puts his arms up. Well his grandmother walks over and grabs him and he shoves her away and comes running back to me again! So i pick him up again and the grandmother is just staring at me in disbelief. I'm a little confused is Sister Flores! She just started laughing when she turned around. Anyway...turns out I look almost exactly like his mother I guess. His mom came around the corner once I put him down...except for the whole fact that she is Filipina and I'm...not! Anyway...we have the same length hair and the same build. Way funny though AND I realized just how much I miss children! AH! Paul and Holly, give Kaitlin and Kyler a squeeze for me. And Amanda...just hug random children in your class! haha! joke lang! Jose was progressing and just as sweet as ever. We were teaching him one night and it was getting late..he was our 2nd to last appointment. He hadn't had anything to eat yet, but he didnt complain to us about it, we just asked if he'd eaten anything and he said, not yet. So we taught out next apointment and then walked past little home on our way back to our apartment where he was laying down with his front door open. We said goodnight and started to walk home. Sister Flores and I were both silent and I aksed her what she wanted me to cook for dinner. She requested my "famous spaghetti"..haha..and I said I needed to go buy some rolls is I made that. So I we walked towards the market in silence. She finally said, "Sister Stadler, what are you thinking right now.." and I had actually started crying, but she couldn't tell because it was dark. I said, "just about a lot of things. About our investigators and their trials." I had actually been thinking about Jose specifically and how much I have learned from him in the short amount of time we have been blessed to know him. I was thinking, "how on earth can I go home and make spaghetti in our comfortable apartment knowing that Jose is just a few blocks down the street, hungry, and thirsty?" So as we were at the market I was buying bread...10 pesos lang...Thats roughly 20 cents. And I thought, I can afford 20 cents of personal money to get him some bread and a bottle of water. Sister Flores, meanwhile was thinking the same thing as I was, but neither of us wanted to voice it. Technically in our handbooks it says we aren't to use mission money for that because it's sacred funds. So we didnt...we used our own money. She bought some bananas and we went back to give it to him. He was so appreciative. We just said we had some extra. Of course it was a one time thing for us. We can't let him become dependent on us, but it felt good that night to help out. I could actually sleep that night knowing he was sleeping with a full stomach. Anyway. I'm just humbled daily by this man. I was thinking this Sunday about our Savior's life and during the sacrament I was reading hymn #181. The last of the first verse says, "Thy life to give". I had never really thought of that verse before. I thought it was talking about the Savior literally giving his life for us, and it is. But then I had the thought come to me, "He GAVE his life every single day." I'm sure he never walked out to meet his apostles in the morning and said, "You know you guys, I'm gonna take a day off today. I just need some 'me' time. This whole worrying about others problems thing is taking its toll on me." I was thinking about Sister Beck's talk in General Conference. She mentioned that "me" time is a temptation of Satan that the world pushes on women especially. It's so true! Even with Missonaries.."lets just stay in this one one is listening to us..we just got punted like crazy, the bishops are not even helping us, no ward missionaries are available and we just dropped 5 of our investigators...2 with baptismal dates." and yet...I keep thinking...the Savior Gave every day! I can do that too! I love this work.
Mom, Jayboy has had many many operations, but it slowly recovering in the hospital. When he came to he asked that someone text the Sister Missionaries, us, and tell them he said hello. So he was alert enough to know we were there and praying for him. Anyway, this church is true. I love it. I have always loved it and will continue to love it more every day of my life! The gospel changes people...through Jesus Christ. Mom, way to be with your missionary work!!!!! I was so proud! I showed Sister Flores that part of the email! She said, "Who is that? Your mom???? That's awesome!!" haha! I agree. Keep it up! It's so true! The more often you talk about it...the less scary it is. Also..the best thing to do when you're not in the mood to share is to share! haha! Keep up the good work. Have Faith, work with faith and watch the miracles come forth. Sean, I'm sending you a letter this if you're lucky it will get there in a month! HAHAHAH! I love you so much! I miss ya like crazy and I can't wait to go out for ice cream or food or something when I get back. Dad, how are you doing???? I love your little updates in mom's emails. Keep up the scripture study and prayers for me. I love you all, remember what is most important, eternal perspective, no? til next week, GOD SPEED!
All my love,
Sister Stadler

P.S. I got a letter from Sister Ball...she's doing so good in her mission! She is loving it...doesn't surprise me at all! :)

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