Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh family, I just typed a phatty email and guess what? Yeah..it shut down and I lost it and now I'm really pressed for time. AH! Ok, let me see if I can remember what I said. I miss snow Amanda, so I would give anything to trade places for a day. This week has been really hard. Pray for people's hearts to be prepared for the gospel and that we will be spiritually in tune to find these people wherever they may be. Our area is really really BIG and it seems we can't go and do the things we need to as missionaries because our leadership here isn't even functioning. It has been really hard and I can see it weighing in Sister Sabasan. I had my first baptism on Saturday with Sister Honesty Bienvenido (14 years old). Rodelyn was suppose to be baptized as well but she missed our last teaching appointment and her baptismal interview. She is going to be baptized this coming Saturday though. Let me tell you...the Lord knows what He is doing when He organizes a church. If the leadership in the church isn't performing their duties, then the ward doesn't function, the stake doesn't function and the whole area suffers because of it. Missionary work takes a hard hit for sure! Especially when the Ward mission leaders and ward missionaries are missing in action! AH!!! Let me paint a little picture of the baptism this weekend. Our bishop of the ward didn't even know there was a baptism..even though he announced it..he showed up in jeans, didn't fill up the font..didn't do a single thing. Then he winged it welcoming her into the ward..sometimes I'm glad I can't completely understand what people are saying. Sister Sabasan was just sitting here shaking her head. haha. Um...Mom, I promise I don't purposefully ignore your questions. I have limited time on here and I try to answer all that I can remember. Have you gotten any of my letters yet? You should have 2 coming your way that should answer more of your questions. :)
As for toilet paper, it isn't common for people to use it. Even their malls here don't have tissue. But I bought some :) I couldn't take it anymore. people here just wash with water instead..or use their hands I'm assuming...which is another reason that we are suppose to carry rubbing alcohol with us at all times. hahaha! Oh...the Philippines. How I love thee. People are so matter of fact here. They don't hide anything. Like...example: We went to meet some investigators for a lesson. We walk into their little hut and there is a brand new mom and baby, she is nursing and the entire family is sitting there looking... ENTIRE family. The dad of the girl is trying to help her out....AH! I was like.. "man I'm so glad I'm a sister Missionary." haha..the poor elders. OH! So I wasn't able to see the Christmas devotional..because the cord was missing..but I was able to hear it! Although here everyone feels the urge to talk all the time so I literally had to close my eyes and lean forward and really really concentrate on what was being said. I wanted to just burst into tears and cry..either that or stand up and scream..."WHAT ON EARTH COULD BE SO IMPORTANT that you think what you say is of greater worth than what these brethren are saying??????" But as soon as the prophet started to speak there was a hush in the room..the spirit was strong. Oh how I love the prophet. His words truly bring peace to the weary soul.
So my challenge this week for you...in the mission we are reading the Book of Mormon before the end of the year. Now..granted, most of the mission has been working on this from June, but I am determined to finish it! So..I am in Alma 20's....I'm reading all about the sons of Mosiah! Such amazing men! I was laughing hysterically when I read about Ammon. That man was so funny, powerful, but humorous! You can just tell when reading about it and his whole plan of action for getting the kings attention. (ex. Alma 18:22.."yet being harmless") So..those of you willing to step up to the plate and take the challenge..read the Book of Mormon in one month! Cover to Cover! I have come to love the book like I have never loved a book before! There is true power and comfort in that book and message of hope in this world of noise and chaos and panic and fear and pain and total despair. How blessed we are to have this truth! I know with all of my heart that the gospel is true! It is continually made manifest to me that it is true. I love you all with all of my heart. My companion and I have had a big tiff here this last week...but the power of prayer is incredible. I have a firm knowledge that our Heavenly Father knows the intents of our hearts and we will be judged fairly. Pray for me with the language please. It is hard, and my companion has basically no desire to help me with it at all. Which is...stressful. I'm hanging in there and working hard and praying and reading and studying and just loving the people to death all that I can. I love you I love you I love you!!! Have a cup of hot chocolate for me and throw a snowball or two at each other! haha! The church is true! Truth will prevail! This is the Lord's work and it will continue to go forth and not fail! May the Lord bless you with the righteous desires of your heart!
All my love,
Sister Stadler

Have the fam send pics! I miss pictures..and I have some with me..but I want some new pics!

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